
Technology Butler - The Cohost Career Boom Post Covid-19

Technology Butler - The Cohost Career Boom Post Covid-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has disturbed the labor market in Vietnam and the world. However, one profession is recovering quickly and tends to grow even stronger once the pandemic is over. That's the job of the cohost - technology butler.

Let's learn about the great potential of the technology butler profession after the COVID-19 pandemic with Cohost.

Vacation investors look for investment channels with high profitability

The period of closure due to the pandemic halted many business activities. The source of income for many people has decreased significantly. That is why after COVID-19 is over, people are actively looking for opportunities to get rich.

new stream of income search following covid-19
After COVID-19 is over, people are actively looking for opportunities to get compensated

We hear very little about this profession in Vietnam, but it has been around for a few years abroad, thanks to OTA channels - mainly Airbnb. Airbnb is a channel to help homeowners optimize their idle assets - houses and rooms for rent. Being a cohost is a great opportunity.

That's why many people choose Airbnb. Many people have started making money from listing their homes on this OTA channel. You don't have to put in too much effort to earn a desirable profit.

advancing income resource on a flexible time schedule
Cohost helps homeowners optimize their business, bringing higher profits for the host and also for themselves

The popularity of Airbnb has led to demand for cohosts - people who support hosts in the accommodation business. Many landlords own real estate for the accommodation business but need more time for business management. 

That's when cohosts come in. They help homeowners optimize their business, bringing in higher profits for the homeowner and themselves.

Excessive workforce post COVID-19

As noted above, the pandemic has caused many people to lose jobs. Therefore, when the pandemic has passed, they frantically look for a new job to adapt to a new life and find job source of income to make up for the days without work.

Due to the recovery, companies are willing to hire a few workers. The business scale is small. They can employ a few people. That's why they look for new jobs.

Instead of the old job, many people look for new jobs like cohosts
Instead of the old job, many people look for new jobs like cohosts

Career cohost - the technology butler, is a suitable choice. Because this profession is new in Vietnam, most need solid knowledge and skills. The labor market is not competitive. This leads to anyone entering the industry without barriers.

Revival of tourism and hospitality post COVID

Inbound and outbound tourism both recovered quickly
Inbound and outbound tourism both recovered quickly

One of the industries hardest hit by the pandemic is the tourism industry. After the pandemic, the tourism industry was also the most resilient. We can see this when looking at the high number of tourists during the two recent holidays, the Ancestral Anniversary and April 30 - May 1.

new opportunities in the travel industry post covid

Domestic tourism recovered rapidly. Foreign tourists are also returning to Vietnam. The State has been creating favorable conditions for foreign tourists to visit Vietnam by reducing the requirements and documents to prepare when entering the country after the pandemic.

Many international routes have been reopened, promising new and stronger developments for the tourism industry. 2022 is predicted to be the tourist year for all tourist cities.

Technology adaptation skyrocketed in PMS and the rental industry

We all know the age of 4.0 technology makes many jobs much easier. With the management of the hosting business of the cohosts, they can use technology to manage and operate the chain more easily and automatically.

manage and operate the apartment chain with cohosts help
Cohost can use technology to manage and operate the apartment chain more easily and automatically

Instead of doing everything manually as before, cohosts can manage multiple apartments simultaneously while ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Even though they may not need to be directly at the apartment, they now meet customers and still be able to operate and talk to them.

save and flex its time thanks to technology
Cohost can save and stretch out the management time thanks to technology

In addition, with the help of technology, cohosts can save and flex their time. Now, technology can do many things for people. Cohosts no longer need to do repetitive work; they can focus more on strategic work to optimize the business.

In conclusion

The above article has summarized why cohost-technology housekeeper is a profession that will tend to thrive after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Many businesses have returned to normal after the pandemic, and with the technology trends of the times, cohost is sure to thrive even more. Do you want to try your luck at cohosting?


Melanie Nguyen

A constantly lost person who follows the paw-print of her two cats and hopes one day she can magically turn into one. But at the moment, I'm craving writing, designing, and creating - which can only be quelled by being a Content Writer. Subsequently, I can trick the world into thinking how smart I am since I can trim down all the noise and stupid things from my final post. This just might be the reason why I love writing, but we will never know.

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